Tuesday, September 6, 2011

For they are a rebellious nation.

Ezekiel's Call - take 2.

I love this chapter.  God just lays it out there to Ezekiel.  First filling him with the spirit, raising him to his feet then speaking to Ezek clear as day, telling him The Plan.  He is to go to the Israelites, to a rebellious nation and speak Gods words.   God warns him that they may or may not listen, either way it does not alter The Plan.  The Lord gives words of confidence and encouragement then gives him the scroll to eat.  

God's word is as sweet as honey. I know, I've tasted it!!  The scroll we carry with us to church on Sunday, a mini version for our purse, and electronic version on our iPhone, it's all as sweet as honey. We bite it, chew it, eat it and digest it and it becomes part of who we are.  I look at my Bible and see JOY, LOVE and PEACE.  FORGIVENESS and COMFORT.   I sometimes tend to skip over the unpleasant stuff that Ezek saw written on both sides of the scroll: words of lament, mourning and woe.   The Psalms are a perfect example of this
- Psalm 79
O God, the nations have invaded your inheritance;
they have defiled your holy temple,
they have reduced Jerusalem to rubble.
They have given the dead bodies of your servants
as foot to the birds of the air,
the flesh of your saints to the beasts of the earth.
They have poured out blood like water
all around Jerusalem,
and there is no one to bury the dead.
We are objects of reproach to our neighbors,
of scrorn and derision to those around us.

Words of lament, mourning and woe at it's finest.  It's much easier for me to sing praise to his goodness, the joy of knowing him, the glory to His Name than it is to feel the anguish of desperation in the psalmist.  But this helps me remember why God does what He does, did what he did and will do what he will do.  He is a jealous God, and we are a rebellious nation. 

He provides to me the same resources as he did for Ezek,  the scroll, the Word.  Praise God He doesn't send me out into the world asking me to give my opinion or debate religion (for lack of a better word) or boast in my knowledge of things Biblical.  He says in 2:4 "say to them 'this is what the Sovereign Lord says.'...Do not be afraid, though briers and thorns are all around you and you live among scorpions. Do not be afraid of why they say...you must speak my words to them".  I LOVE THIS!!  God knows what and who I am faced with every day, yet his desire for me it to stand strong in his Word (only) and speak it in confidence.  And all of the Word - the good stuff and the unpleasant stuff.  

Mental note: check yourself in all faith based discussions.  Is this Biblical? No?  Then stop talking!

Flip side.  Honest inventory.  Am I the rebellious house?  When it's hard to hear, difficult to walk through do I fail to hear/listen/receive the truth? 

Father God, I thank you for the scroll.  I thank you for giving me your Holy Word and ask that you continue to give me revelations, understanding and knowledge of YOU through it.  Father, search my heart and the things unseen by me that hinder me from reaching out to take the scroll from your hand every time.  Lord, I desire to follow you.  To seek you.  To be close to you.  Help me not to be that rebellious nation, that stubborn and obstinate child who turns from you.  Reveal to me your Majesty, your holiness, your awesomeness so that I may learn to fear your and give you the reverence you command.   Father, give me the words you wish me to speak and the boldness to speak them.  In the name of Jesus I pray.  Amen.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

a new covenanat

a new covenant.

I took communion at 1 am this morning.  I made a new covenant with Jesus that I would stop trying to replace Him and and His love with things of this world.